Saturday, July 12, 2008

Income growth %

It has been said by most people living there that the salaries in San Diego do not match up with living expenses/costs with is pretty bad news but according to this article, the income growth rate is pretty high.

San Diego comes has the third highest income growth rate in the US.

San Diego's economy caught fire during the 1990s and has stayed hot ever since. The area's per capita income has soared 72 percent since 1995, a pace unmatched by any other major metropolitan area. Charleston, S.C., is a distant second at 64 percent.

Income growth:

Per capita income:
# 2005: $40,569
# 2000: $32,799
# 1990: $20,852
# 1980: $11,100

Income growth:
# 2000-2005: 23.7%
# 1990-2005: 94.6%
# 1980-2005: 265.5%

Other stats:
Metro population (2006): 2,941,454
Annual rate of population growth (2000-2006): 0.7%
Metro employment (March 2007): 1,302,500
Employment growth (2006-2007): 0.7%

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